About the Journal

Quantum Journal of Environmental Studies (QJOES) is an online electronic publication, double-blind peer reviewed and open-access journal. The Journal publishes original research papers, review articles, short communications, case studies and reports in Environmental Studies. Researchers from all countries are invited to publish environmental science, pure or applied ecological, zoological, botanical, paleontological, biometrical-biomathematical and quantitative or multidisciplinary science research of international interest on its pages.

Budapest Open Access Initiative:

This journal provides instant access to its content on the principle that free availability of research journals to the public contributes to the global exchange of knowledge.

The focus is on topics such as (not limited to):

• Basic and applied environmental pollution research, including environmental engineering
• Pollution control of atmospheric, water (marine and fresh), soil and biological materials
• Determination of harmful substances, including their metabolic breakdown patterns
• Analytical methods for metabolic breakdown patterns or other chemical degradation patterns in the environment and in biological samples
• Development of new analytical methods, instruments and techniques for controlling pollutants
• Circulation of pollutants in the environment and their effect on living organisms
• Environmentally oriented catalysis
• Hazards to human health and safety
• Waste utilization and management
• Land reclamation
• Conference reports, scientific and technical reports and book review

The Journal publishes theoretical papers as well as application-oriented contributions and practical case studies. There is no bias with regard to taxon or geographical area.

The journal is published in yearly volumes of at least two (2) issues. The journal will have a limited number of printed copies (mainly for libraries), articles and their appendices (if any) will be available on our website for free download.

Frequency: 4 issues per year; March, June, September and December

Language: English, Bahasa Malaysia

Level of Publication: International

The Journal publishes theoretical papers as well as application-oriented contributions and practical case studies. There is no bias with regard to taxon or geographical area. The journal is published in yearly volumes of four (4) (but at least two (2) issues in one year) issues. The journal will have a limited number of printed copies (mainly for libraries), articles and their appendices (if any) will be available on our website for free download.