Aims and Scope
Quantum Journal of Environmental Studies (QJOES) publishes research in environmental science, pure or applied ecological, zoological, botanical, paleontological, biometrical-biomathematical and quantitative or multidisciplinary science research of international interest on its pages.
Environmental Science
• Aquatic environment
• Atmospheric environment
• Biomonitoring and biomarkers
• Emerging contaminants
• Environmental analysis and methods
• Environmental biology
• Environmental chemistry
• Environmental catalysis and nanomaterials
• Environmental health and toxicology
• Environmental microbiology
• Environmental nanotechnology
• Environmental remediation and management
• Terrestrial environment
Environmental Management
• Development of technologies intended for applications to environmental ecosystems (water, air, soil)
• Natural resource management
• Ecological applications or conservation
• Management and valorisation of waste (including industrial residues and effluents)
• Development of methods for environmental quality management (new procedures, characterization techniques, monitoring methods, governing standards, etc.)
• Environmental system modelling and optimization
• Environmental analysis and assessment (environmental impact assessment, risk assessment, life cycle analysis, material flow analysis, life cycle costing, emission accounting, etc.)
• Social, economic and policy aspects of environmental management
And not limited to:
• Basic and applied environmental pollution research, including environmental engineering
• Pollution control of atmospheric, water (marine and fresh), soil and biological materials
• Determination of harmful substances, including their metabolic breakdown patterns
• Analytical methods for metabolic breakdown patterns or other chemical degradation patterns in the environment and in biological samples
• Development of new analytical methods, instruments and techniques for controlling pollutants
• Circulation of pollutants in the environment and their effect on living organisms
• Environmentally oriented catalysis
• Hazards to human health and safety
• Waste utilization and management
• Land reclamation
• Conference reports, scientific and technical reports and book reviews
Assuming such a wide scope of interest, has created an opportunity for experts in different sciences to exchange information and ideas. Thus, we invite research institutes, graduate, and Ph.D. students, academic and non-academic researchers also for research teams to carry out debates on relevant issues across all field of QJOES.