Peer Review Process

Quantum Journal of Environmental Studies (QJOES) follows a double-blind peer-review process and is reviewed by at least two (2) independent reviewers. All reviewed manuscript will be reviewed by:

(1) One (1) internal reviewer [which is affiliated with QJOES];
(2) One (1) external reviewer [which is outside of the author’s affiliations]

A final review will be carry out by the Editor-in-Chief. An editorial decision is then made based on the recommendations from the series of reviews. The author(s) do not know the reviewers and vice versa. The review process normally take place between four (4) to eight (8) weeks, and the evaluation of manuscripts by reviewers is based on:

(1) their contribution and appropriateness to the journal;
(2) conceptual and technical adequacy;
(3) novelty and clarity of presentation.

All published articles in the QJOES are peered reviewed, and all manuscripts submitted follow the procedure designed below.



(1) The authors are requested to prepare the manuscript equipped with good standards according to the policies of QJOES before submitting it. We stand for critical evaluation, in-depth review, and the best way of communication of the research articles.
(2) Once the article is certified for publication under our journal, authors should not submit the same article in any other journal, or they should withdraw their articles submitted to another journal. Manuscripts with contents which is not align to the scope will not be considered for review.
(3) Two experts chosen by the editorial board will review each article and an article might recommended for few more reviews to eliminate unnecessary items. Any information related to review process will be informed to authors based on requirements, terms and conditions.
(4) The journal possesses the right to not accepting the article if the content is not align with the criterias designated.
(5) Submitted manuscript categorized as a confidential document and any further notice and information will only be discussed with the author.
(6) We will take all the necessary actions to prevent any unethical acts such as plagiarism and misuse of data that are obtained through a peer review of submitted articles. Author also has to state proper credit to contents that used in their journal.
(7) Every component of the journal highly protected through the peer review process.
(8) The journal does not charge submission charges, but charges on Article Processing Charges (APC) of RM100 or USD 30, after manuscripts are accepted.